Tag Archives: leave no trace

Thank You Summit Hut and Inner Passage!

25 Jun

As Summit Hut Outdoor Adventure Camp starts to wind down, I want to take this time to thank everyone who came out and helped us this week! We had a lot going on, and without their help camp wouldn’t have been nearly as cool as it has been.

We started off the week with John and Dave. John talked to the girls about riparian areas and conservation and was very excited when they were actually interested in the discussion 🙂 Dave taught the girls how to use a map and compass and took them outside for some hands on fun. They worked in teams, one blind folded and one leading them around. I think they all completed the course successfully. At the end of the day we had the girls journal about somewhere they would like to orienteer!

Tuesday, though I didn’t get to watch, was apparently pretty awesome! The girls have been talking about Jessica and Stephanie all week! Jessica walked in on Tuesday with a sweet orange pack full of gear for hiking and taught the girls about hiking essentials. From I hear, it was a pretty great class and I think all of the girls are more than prepared to brave their next hike! When we got back from climbing around 3 o’clock, someone ran out to meet us screaming “there’s a dog here!!!!” Stephanie was teaching a class on hiking with you dog!! Needless to say, everyone thought that was extremely cool.

On Wednesday, Krystal was awesome and stayed at camp with us ALL DAY! In the morning, she taught some basic first aid skills and in the afternoon the girls learned about Leave No Trace Outdoor Ethics! The Leave No Trace training came in real handy when I had to explain why we couldn’t remove a tree that was on our climbing route!

Thursday brought us Emily and Amanda. Everything they learned yesterday will come in very handy on our overnight- they learned how to set up camp and cook outdoors! The girls had a blast with these two ladies and wouldn’t stop talking about them when I got back from climbing!

We also had some other Summit Hut folks come along each day on our climbing adventures! They were all awesome and helped girls fit their harnesses, choose the right shoes and more importantly- helped to coach them on the rocks! Our Climbing days would not have gone as smooth as they had without them- so THANK YOU to Frank, Alison, Jeff, Meagan, Tyler and Dana!

Which brings me to an ULTRA HUGE THANK YOU to Matt and Sam from Inner Passage! Without them, we could not have exposed these girls to this awesome sport of rock climbing. They provided us with all the gear, expertise, coaching and even some silly voices that made our three days of climbing go off without a hitch. If you are interested in more climbing opportunities for your girls, your family or even your office, check out Inner Passage on the web at InnerPassage.net!

Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to get pictures of our great volunteers that were at camp while I was out climbing, but here are the ones I got 🙂

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